Preliminary draft project : why ? how ?

In the 'Folders' step of Contemporary Style Design, you have the option to create, customize, and download folders containing various documents related to your project.

In this tutorial, we will guide you through all the necessary steps for creating, organizing, and customizing your presentation documents from the 'Folder' step in the 'Documents' menu.

11-general folder presentation
11-general documents presentation

Create a Document

When you want to gather information to present to your prospect (plans, visuals, surface tables...) while incorporating your logo, legal notices, etc., all of this can be accomplished from the 'Folder' step and the 'Documents' menu.

Discover how to create a document here

Organize Your Document

Once your document is created, it can contain multiple pages, for which you can also establish a common page background.

Discover how to add pages, rearrange them, or delete them here

Customize Your Documents

When you have initiated the creation of your document, you can work on its content by incorporating files (plans, HD visuals, imported images...), adding text, and various types of additional indications, especially using layout tools.

11-general documents tools
Explore the various menus in more detail:

Manage Your Created Documents

Once your document is created and customized, all that's left is to download it.

You can customize settings such as page orientation, format, and margin management. Two download formats are available: digital quality / print quality.

Find these details here (section 'download a document')


11-general page example

You can find a webinar replay about creation of a document in your help center :

Manage files in a presentation document