Customize a furnishing

INTERMEDIATE - In Contemporary Style Design, you have the option to customize a product using the settings on the right.

1. Go to the 'Furnishings' step.

2. Click on the relevant furnishing.

3. Increase the height, width, or length of a product by using the up-down arrows or by entering the desired value in the dedicated field.

Flèche reset💡The circular arrow allows you to revert to the original version of a product.

6-11 - Resize product

4. You can increase or decrease the size while maintaining its proportions. To do this, click on the dedicated button above the workspace represented by a triangle with arrows, then change one of the product's dimension parameters.

6-11 - Keep proportions

5. Change the color of a product by clicking on the palette icon and selecting the color that suits you.

❗ Some products do not have color customization options.

6-11 - Change color

6. For lighting products, click on the palette in the right-hand settings, an icon with a light bulb will be provided. Click on it and choose whether you want it off or on (warm or cold light).

6-11 - Manage lights

7. Activate advanced rotation by clicking on the dedicated icon. This allows you to change the angle of an object to position it on a slope, for example.

6-11 - Manage Advanced rotation

8. Show or hide an object on the plans by checking or unchecking the "Show on all plans" box respectively.

6-11 - Show on plan